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Raj Fragrance, Bengaluru, India is a prestigious name associated with the production of incense sticks and allied products. The company has established and developed a modern infrastructure on more than 1,00,000 square feet. It is installed with modern machinery to manufacture and quality test all the products. Owing to latest, efficient machinery, the company is producing up to 1 million sticks a day. We create the incense sticks in two types viz combustible and non-combustible. Also, all the Vedic traditions are ingrained and followed by us during their manufacture. The combustible sticks can be burned in various forms like sticks, cones, bricks, and other shapes. The non-combustible ooze fragrance, when they are sprinkled onto fire.

Manufacturing Machines
  • Crushers and Grinders
  • Filters, Mixers
  • Pressed Pillar Machines
  • Pulverizer
  • Wick Coating & Tabbing Machines
In the near future, the company has plans to expand its market reach to many countries worldwide. Our future is bright and is not restricted in scope and vision.